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 In this video we're going to look at multi-prompts and building apps, custom apps with multi-prompts. I'm going to come over here to new custom app.

I'm going to give this app a name, I'm going to give it test multi. We'll give this a category, we'll build one under a social category. I'm going to choose a multi and once I choose multi you'll see I've got multiple prompts that we can use here.

I'm going to add a scraper in, I'm going to add audience language, add tone. Now you can see multi-output type names, so we've got different prompts so we need to give these prompts a name. So I'm going to do, so I'm going to call this social content, so you can see that appears there once I do that.

The next one I'm going to give is one week content, you can see that appears there. So I want to do is I'm going to write the prompt here, so I want you to act as a social media expert and create content for social media sites. I will give you the content for the site that I want the social media created for.

I have scraped the data for you here, this is the data you must use. I would like content creating for, we'll leave that blank for a moment, in this language, in this tone and for this audience. I'm going to put the short text in now, so language, in this tone, for this audience.

So when we're at the custom field for this, I would like the content creating for, then we'll go put one in there. So what we'll do is we'll put content, so content creating we'll call this, we'll have a multi-drop down, so edit the options, so we'll have a tick tock script, facebook post, tweet, we'll just have three for now for this demonstration. So put that in there, so we're going to, so content creating for, then we'll put content there, that's the first one done.

So the next one for the one week content, so I'm going to, so I want you to create me a one week content strategy for social media, as you are a social media expert, I want you to create one week's content for this social platform, and we'll put that in in a moment, in this tone, in this language and for this audience. I will give you the content as I have scraped the data, that data is here, you must use that data. So next up shortcode is content, oh okay it's content twice, we'll use week, create weeks content, we'll do a multi-drop down, so we'll put these in here, so we'll put facebook, tick, tock, we'll put twitter, which is x now really, but we'll put twitter, apply, make sure that all is right, so in fact I want you to create me one week content strategy for your social media expert, I want you to create one week's content for this social platform, so we need to put that week in there, we'll save that, then what we'll do is test the app.

So we need to get some data to scrape, so what I'm going to do is I'll get the micro sas page, so let's grab the micro sas page, let's look back, we'll paste the page in there, we'll scrape that data, so data scraped, again we can change the AI models if we want, we'll put custom one, remember this is in test mode so your users don't see this, scrape the data, let's click next, so what we can do now is start creating this content, don't forget you can have multi-prompts all the way here, so what we're going to do is target audience, we'll have retired, light-hearted and we can choose the type here, so we can either create social content or one week's worth of content, so what I'm doing is we'll start with social content and we'll create a Facebook post, so I'll generate, okay so you can see it's created that there, so you were a retired entrepreneur, so you've chosen the retired audience, so that's created the Facebook post, so let's say we wanted to create a one week's worth of content for that site and we're going to create that for Facebook as well, click generate, okay so you can see here day one, day two, three, four, five, six, seven, so you can see how you could extend this right now, so you could extend another four prompts here, so you could really build out this app and make it huge, so let's just do one more, so tweet, social content, so we'll create a tweet and it'll generate that, okay so you can see that it's added in the tags as well, so let's create a week's worth of content for TikTok, okay based on the provided data is a one week content strategy for TikTok in the tone of the data, content introduction to the Microsoft platform, hashtags there, so we could do things like on this next one, we could do write video scripts, we could do suggest images, we could have a huge social platform here that we could sell access to and it could be really, really powerful, so that's an introduction to multi-prompts, so thanks for watching and watch out for the next video.