This accompanies the video found here

We're going to cover the admin area. Now, every time you create a custom app or any time you utilize and deploy one of our built-in apps, you will see an admin area.

This is where you control your white label application. So let's come to this one, the affiliate system. We'll go here to the dropdown menu, and we'll click Admin Info.

So we'll log into the admin login at the top. Now, these are your admin username and password. So we'll go here.

So we're inside the admin area. Now, the first thing you'll see is users. Now, users are users who have purchased an access through you or they've registered.

If you, let's say you're giving it away for free, you know, that your users have registered here. So you'll see the ID number, you'll see the name, you'll see the email, you'll see the date that they were created, how many logins into the system they've done, any projects they've created, the status of their account. And here you can ban the user.

So let's say they'd refunded or disputed something like that. You can ban them, you can delete them, and you can also set them a new password. If they're having issues with a password, you can do that there.

Now, next we have settings. Now here, you will see all the settings for your white label. So you've got the terms link.

So now this is your terms and conditions. So you create a terms and conditions. You can create a generic one for all your applications and put the URL here.

Here you can add in your support link. So you add your support link here and your support email here. Now your logout redirect, when anyone logs out of the system, they automatically go to login.php. Now you can change that logout redirect.

You can change it to a custom page if you wanted to. So you could change it to a page, let's say that you showed an advertisement or something like that. So you can change that there.

Admin username and password. You can change those. Now here is your Warrior Plus security key and your JVZoo JVZ IPN secret key.

Now that's where you add those when you want to link up the sales system or the credit system. Now both of those are covered in depth in the tutorial section. So just go to the videos for those sales and credit system and you'll see how to use those.

And also this section here also refers to the sales and the credits pack. So this section here at the bottom will tell you exactly how to use and link up the sales and the credits when you watch the tutorials for those. Now next is user's key.

Now the user key, if you set it to user key like this, that means any time that anyone logs in to any of your white label apps, they must use their key. Now if you set this to my key and you add in your master API key here, this means that you will pay for the cost of the API credits. Now when the user logs in, they will not need to add in their key, they can use your key.

Now it depends on which kind of sales model you want to do and which route you want to go down. So for example, if you were doing like a one-time fee of maybe 27, $47, then I would suggest using the user's key. Now if you're doing a recurring model where your user needs to pay every single month, I would suggest doing a model where you're supplying the credits.

Now we also have the credits system. Now the credit system again is covered in depth on the credits video in the tutorials and you can switch that on and off here. Now you can also switch off the register page.

So if you don't want to show the register page, just click no and the register page won't show. You've got different color schemes that you can utilize. So if you want to use frosty white, you can do that there.

It doesn't show in your admin area, it only shows for users. Now next is the AI model. So you've got two presets.

So you've got the 4.0 model and the 3.5 turbo. Then here we've got upload HTML. Now, when you've created your sales page for your white label application, you can upload that sales page directly in to the route.

So let's say when you were creating your white label application, you did a subfolder called affiliates. Now, when you upload your HTML page, it will go into the subfolder called affiliates. Now, if you are utilizing our domains, you can only use the subfolder.

If you're utilizing your own custom domains, you can utilize both the route and the subfolder. You can utilize either one. So you can upload the HTML page there.

Then for the logo, just click here and you can upload the logo direct. And once you've done all your settings, make sure that you click save all. Then here we have ad settings.

Again, this is covered in depth in the tutorials for the ad monetization add-on. Next, we've got AR integrations. Now, again, this is covered in depth in the auto responder add-on, which refers to AR integrations and lead capture.

Next is the sales page. Now, this is a Gumroad style sales page. This is not a in-depth HTML kind of MMO BizOptite page.

This is a Gumroad style page. It's very basic, very simple, but if you don't want to kind of use our HTML pages and you want something really easy, really simple, you can utilize that as well. And you can edit that.

It's a full editor. You can add images in and everything that you need in here. And also you can automatically add in your button code and your hero image here.