Now in this video we're going to talk about the domains that are already built into the system that you can utilize as well. So when you come to manage apps, and let's say we're going to deploy this ebook system one here, we come down to the drop down, we click deploy.

Now these are the domains that are already built in there, so you've got from here to here. Any domains that you add into the system, custom domains, you will see below these domains. Now any of these domains you can utilize to deploy your apps onto, but please bear in mind other people will be using those domains as well.

You will get a sub folder on that domain and here is where you create the sub folder. So you can use these domains as much as you want, but obviously please remember you can't kind of brand these domains to yourself because they're just kind of custom domains we've put on there for you to use. Maybe you don't want to kind of purchase the domain to use for the custom domains, the managed domains.

Maybe you just want to deploy and utilize ours, which you can do through this section. So thanks for watching and watch out for the next video.