Hello and welcome back to the next video for Microsoft AI. In this video we're going to look at setting up and adding in your own domains. Now you need to have registered domain.

You can register one across Namecheap, GoDaddy, anywhere like that. It doesn't have to be a .com, you can use any of the cheaper TLDs if you wish. Now first we're going to add in a domain by going to Manage Domains.

So we'll go over here to Manage Domains. So click on that. Then we need to click New Domain.

So first we need to go across to Namecheap. Now you don't have to use Namecheap. This is just that I always use Namecheap, but you can use GoDaddy, wherever you wish.

Now I've registered this one called bootcampai.co. I'm going to go here to Advanced DNS and I'm going to click Add New Record. So I'm going to click Add New Record and I'm going to add a new CNAME record. So CNAME record.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to add in a CNAME record and it will be app. So we'll use this app as the kind of subdomain for this. And I'm going to add in the target, which is microsasai.com, just like that.

So microsasai.com. The host will be app. So it will be under app.bootcampai.co. Leave the TTL as automatic. Click Save Changes.

Once you've saved changes, you can see the CNAME record is set. We just need to copy this. Go back to microsasai.com. Click New Domain and then we'll use app.bootcamp.ai, just like that.

app.bootcampai.co. So once that's set there, just click Add Domain. So when you click Add Domain, it's setting up the hosting and everything that you need inside the system. So just let that finish.

So it says you must change the CNAME record in your register. Create a CNAME for your subdomain and point to microsasai.com. Well, we've already done that and watched that. So just press OK.

Now we can see it's set there. Now we can check DNS here. So you can see that's already set.

It's already set to go. So now we can add an SSL certificate. So go here and we click Add SSL.

So it's setting up the SSL for this domain. So just wait a few moments till that sets up. So it should be OK.

All ready to go now. Just let it reboot. You can see that it's set.

So the DNS resolved. The SSL is active. And that literally took under two minutes.

So now we can start utilizing app.bootcamp.co. So if we go to Manage Apps, let's say we want to create a new custom app. Click New Custom App. We then can use that domain on that app.

But in fact, what we'll do is we'll go back over here. We'll go to one that's not been deployed, this ebook system. We'll click down here.

We'll click Deploy. And we should see this domain that we've added into the system here to deploy on. So we'll do the dropdown and we can see that right at the bottom.

So we can deploy that app onto that new custom domain that we've added in there. So thank you for watching and watch out for the next video.