Hello and welcome back to the next video for Microsoft AI. In this video we're going to look at creating a small very basic custom app. Now you can create custom apps from two places, you can come to manage apps, create a custom app from here or you can go here and create a new custom app.

Now the screen when you first look at it can look a little bit daunting but once you've done your first app or work through your first app you'll see how easy these are to create. Now first you need to give your app a name so we'll give this um we'll just give this email because I'm just going to do a simple very very simple email writer. Create a category so you can create a category by clicking here or you can just add in a category if you've already got one set.

Now I'm going to use a single output you can use multi output as well if you want to use multi output you can see it opens multiple prompts I'm just going to create single output for the moment. Now here you can create a scraper so to utilize this you can add a scraper into the app so let's say you wanted to write emails about a certain product or site you could scrape that site to get the data. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to add in a scraper so you can see when I add in scraper this scraper shortcode drops down here so let me show you that again so if I turn that off you can see it disappears if I add it in yes you can see the scrape data shortcode appears there.

Now next you can change the scraper message but you can leave the default one that we've set if you don't want to. Next these are three default ones that we kind of use some on most apps but not every time so we've left them there so you can add them in if you wish. So do you want an audience tag so let's say you're creating for marketers then yes you'd want to kind of specify the audience if you want the languages in there if you want to allow your users to create emails in multiple languages you can add that in there and if you wanted to write in a certain tone well that doesn't apply to every single app but because we're doing about emails obviously we want to write in a certain tone so we're going to go yes okay so you can see those short codes appeared there.

Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to write the prompt and add in the shortcode so you see here it says your prompt so I would like you to act as a copy writer who is an expert in writing email copy I would like you to take the data from this site I have compiled the data here so that's the scrape data I would then like you to write an email in this language we'll add that language in there for this audience audience audience in and in this tone by toning now here we can add some custom fields in so let's uh let's create something else to go with this um so I would like you to act as a copywriter who's an expert in email writing copy I would like you to take the data from this site I've compiled the data here scrape data I would like you to write an email in this language for this audience and in this tone so I'm going to do is I'm going to add a short code in that says amount you can see their amount so label how many emails would you like okay so we'll just call it how many emails so what we can do is you can add in text or a drop down field so you can add text in there if you wanted to or can add a drop down field I'm going to leave it as text placeholder how many emails okay so what we can do here we can change this word now where it says I would like you to write an email in this language so you could put in here I would like you to write this amount of emails and what we'll do is put amount there and we'll just take that off there there's this so it says I would then like you to write this amount of emails so we'll specify an amount in this language for this audience and in this tone okay then we'll just click save all so your project's been saved so it's called email so go back to manage apps so you can see here this is the one we've created now what we can do is we can keep testing this out to get it right we don't have to deploy it yet we can test it and edit it as many times as you want before you actually deploy the app so let's go here to test so first we here you can see the AI model now you can add in 4.0 or you can even add a custom model if you want to do that but I'm going to use it 3.5 now because we're in testing mode your user will not see this section once you deploy this app this will disappear so now this is a scrape section that I was mentioned now the scrape section pulls the data from whatever site you want to write the email about so let's um let's go over to let's go over to jvzoo and let's get the product of the day okay so this is the product of the day we'll go back to micro sas we're going to add the date at the product of the day in here and we'll have product service name so this is called AI affiliate machine so AI affiliate machine what we're going to do is scrape the URL so it's scraping the content so you can see here it's great 4389 words so what the AI will do now is when you click next it will create a summary of this scraped data okay so click next so it's created a summary of that now also you can see here in project name and category is disabled in test mode so what we're going to do is we're going to say we're going to have the emails in English we're going to write for marketers so the target audience should be marketers and we want it let's say we'll have it light-hearted now how many emails do we want let's say we want two emails and what we need to do is then click generate so the AI is working it's generating the content so let's see what it comes back with so you can see here it's created as two emails and you can see it's created for the AI affiliate so we scraped all the data and it's created those two emails for that system so then you could export those in a doc text or pdf or you could copy and use those i've wanted to change that to let's say three emails again we're generating it should create us three emails so you get one you've got two and you've got three emails so let's go back to manage apps now as i said you can keep tweaking these apps as much as you wish so go back over here click edit and then we'll put here at the end i would also like you to write me a pre-header for each email so yeah we'll just do that save all so we'll go back to manage apps we'll go in here oops not edit sorry manage apps we'll go to test you can see if we tweak that a little bit so put the page in again and we scrape url then we'll click next so we'll do the exact same thing in test so english we'll go with marketers we'll go with optimistic and how many emails we'll go to so it should create as a pre-header now as well as the emails so click generate and off we go i did actually i don't think i saved it just go back again sorry edit click save all manage apps go back to email edit oops manage apps sorry test gonna scrape data in again scrape the url click next click with two emails target audience marketers and we'll go with enthusiastic two emails and we'll hit generate okay so you can see there we've created a subject and a pre-header and it's created as two emails so you can go back and you can tweak that as much as you want and keep adding in you can add more custom prompts in there and more custom fields as well so thanks for watching and watch the next video